Anderson Moores thank - Reading May 10th Conference

I attended the Reading Alabama Rot conference on Wednesday 10th May 2017. The conference was organised by David Walker and Laura Holm from Anderson Moores. There were 30 attendees and Bayer kindly paid travel expenses.

Today I received a very nice email from Anderson Moores:

Subject: RE: May 10th Conference

Dear Chris

David and I would like to extend our sincere thanks to you for attending the meeting yesterday.

Your input was very valuable and we really appreciate you making time to be there. Thank you also for taking time to look into and print off the case distributions by month / season.

Thank you so much again,

With kindest regards,

Laura and David

Laura Holm BVM&S CertSAM MRCVS
RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Medicine

David Walker BVetMed (Hons) DipACVIM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS,
American and European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine

Information about the Reading conference will be posted online soon.

Chris Street BSc MSc

Bransgore, Dorset

About Alabama Rot / CRGV

If your dog gets skin lesions or other symptoms consult your vet, without delay. “Unexplained redness, sores or swelling of the skin (on the paws, legs, body, face, tongue or mouth) are often the first sign of this disease.” (AMVS, Feb 2016) After five years, we still don’t know what causes Alabama Rot. From analysis by, we do know that 90% of confirmed cases have been in the six months during Winter and Spring (December - May). Information about Alabama Rot / CRGV for dog owners from Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists (AMVS).

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