Confirmed CRGV cases in Abbeyfield (Staffs), Chandlers Ford (Hants), NW London & Bolton (Greater Manchester)

I received this email on Wed 16/12/2015 @ 15:52 from David Walker at Anderson Moores.

I’ve added these four cases to the CRGV Confirmed and All Cases maps (with updates @ 21/12/15).

Hi Chris,
FYI we’ve had 4 confirmed CRGV cases over the past 3 months:

Staffordshire - Abbeyfield area
Hampshire - Chandlers Ford
Greater London - NW London
Greater Manchester - Bolton

Best wishes,

David Walker BVetMed(Hons) DipACVIM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS
RCVS, American and European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine

Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists
The Granary, Bunstead Barns, Poles Lane, Hursley, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 2LL

Anderson Moores updated their Facebook page on 17/12/15 with the above information.


Chandlers Ford dog

Update 17th December: This is where the dog lived. Anderson Moores say:

“The dog was from the Chandlers Ford area of Hampshire and the information that we have is that she was walked in various locations around Hampshire. We do not have any more specific information at this time but we are trying to acquire this.”

Update 18th December: Anderson Moores said:

“The information we have been given is: Bramble Hill, Longcross and Bradshaw Woods.”

NW London dog

Anderson Moores said on 20/12/15 that the NW London dog was walked in “West London parks”.

Staffordshire dog

Anderson Moores said on 20/12/15 that the Staffordshire dog was walked in “Dimmingsdale”.


6 Replies to “Confirmed CRGV cases in Abbeyfield (Staffs), Chandlers Ford (Hants), NW London & Bolton (Greater Manchester)”

  1. Could you please confirm exactly what area of West London cases have been found and what action should be taken. Thank-you

    1. I am passing on information about confirmed cases locations provided by Anderson Moores. To date, they have not provided more detailed location info about the West London case.

  2. Ref the Chandlers Ford case - Has it been confirmed that the dog is only walked in the Chandlers Ford area and if so which part(s) of Chandlers Ford. I am a dog walker as well as a dog owner in this area and any information relating to this would be greatly appreciated!

    Many thanks!

    Kim Bates

    1. Hi Kim,
      Anderson Moores say “The dog was from the Chandlers Ford area of Hampshire and the information that we have is that she was walked in various locations around Hampshire. We do not have any more specific information at this time but we are trying to acquire this.”

      Chris Street

  3. The chandlers ford case it hasn’t said if the dog lives there or caught the alabama rot in a location around chandlers ford could you please confirm
    Thank you
    Hannah Draper

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