Anderson Moores at Bransgore fundraising event for Alabama Rot research

Laura Holm a vet from Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists - the UK leading authority on Alabama Rot - will speak at a fundraising event in Bransgore, Dorset on Friday 22nd April 2016.

CRGV fundraiser flyer (pdf, 4MB).

The event is organized by local pet businesses in aid of:

The New Forest Dog Owners Group Alabama Rot Research Fund


Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.

Doors open 6.15pm, first speaker (Laura Holm) 7pm. Venue is Bransgore Village Hall Burley Road, Bransgore, BH23 8AY


Laura Holm, BVM&S CertSAM MRCVS Veterinary Surgeon from Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists - The latest findings on CRGV (Alabama Rot).

Mark Pegg and ‘Erin’ South Hants Hearing Dogs - Life with a Hearing Dog,


A raffle will be held on the evening. All donations of prizes will be very gratefully received.


Tickets £3.50 in advance, £4 on the door. Complimentary refreshments provided.

Tickets available from: Sarah Stephens, Oscar Pet Foods – 07770 601668; Katy Dalton, Wagging Tails Home Dog Boarding – 01425 673 928; Rocky Ranch Pet Food Supplies - 07775 563155

4 Replies to “Anderson Moores at Bransgore fundraising event for Alabama Rot research”

  1. Thanks to everyone for organising this well attended and informative presentation; Particular thanks to Laura for a comprehensive review of current thinking on the subject, and also informing on the risk of infection, and answering many specific questions.
    Lack of a vector for transmission remains the greatest issue to resolve, and I suspect that it may be a number of years before enough data is compiled to provide anything more than anecdotal causes. The research is expensive and will require thousands of hours of professional resource, which needs to be funded from public charitable giving.

    Again, thanks for an informative evening.

  2. Thanks, Chris. Can’t make the talk, but will look out for the review, and mull over the link. Great site, by the way. Easy to post here with a minimum of red tape.

  3. I’m sure we’d all love to help out AM with their research. Can you post a link to the details, e.g. research topic, research question, literary basis, research hypothesis, experiment protocol, etc. etc. or do we just support this blind?

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