Dogs die of confirmed Alabama Rot in Cheshire, Nottinghamshire and Hampshire.

7th April 2015 update by Anderson Moores “There have been three further confirmed cases of cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV) over the past month (Cheshire, Nottinghamshire and Hampshire). We have also seen two suspected CRGV cases that have survived (from Berkshire and Hampshire). We are not currently waiting on any further pathology results from affected dogs.

A link to the scientific publication on CRGV is provided. There is a link to a CRGV podcast featuring David Walker.”


Regrettably, in my view, Anderson Moores Veterinary Services are still just giving county level information on CRGV cases - they are keeping details of where the dogs were walked, confidential. Map has the above details added.

8 Replies to “Dogs die of confirmed Alabama Rot in Cheshire, Nottinghamshire and Hampshire.”

  1. Anderson Moores are unprofessional and change their policies to suit themselves, not your pets.
    Yes they should say where the dogs are walked but they probably want more dogs to contract it so they can do more tests and make more money!
    I have first hand experience of how they treat our beloved pets, my GSD was lucky, I got him out of there before anything worse happened, my dog was not being treated by David Walker but he was with AMVS for about 10 months

    1. Hi Pauline,
      I’ve only met David Walker of AMVS twice. I’ve never got the impression that AMVS want CRGV to continue so that they can make more money.

      1. Like I said I went for ten months and I didn’t meet David Walker.
        I’m only saying my experience, they managed to get my bills up to £18,000 for a surgery that went wrong, trying to fix it. That’s not including all the fuel, splints, shoes, physio, acupuncture, medication, referring vet bills, and laser treatment that I’m still paying for to this day.
        This is my experience and my dog was the innocent victim

  2. I wonder if it is plant related in some way, there is a trend that most cases happen between particular times of the year, maybe this is when a particular plant is out in the countryside. The trend in locations might mean that this plant is very common in those areas. The is a trend on where on the body the lesions all seem to appear (around the lower part of the dog, never on top of its back or head)…is this because its walking through plants / bushes and picking it up. Just some of my thoughts.

    1. Matt,
      thanks for your interesting hypothesis. Your observations do seem to fit some of the facts. Except that what plants produce a toxin that causes kidneys to fail?

      An alternative hypothesis by David Walker is that CRGV is Canine HUS: Tiny blood clots cause lessions on dogs legs and tongue and ultimately kill the dog because its kidneys (and other organs) fail. The Canine HUS hypothesis does not explain why dogs are not affected between June and October nor why their seems to clusters in the New Forest, Guildford in Surrey and in Cheshire.

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