All Alabama Rot Cases Map

At 16th May 2017, the All Alabama Rot Cases map (below) shows 159 cases of Alabama Rot: 102 confirmed, 22 unconfirmed and 35 suspected cases. Additionally, the map shows 62 locations where dogs had walked prior to getting Alabama Rot.

How to use the Confirmed Alabama Rot Cases map

map-all Location of dogs
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zoom Zoom in / out (bottom right)
hand Move around map (hold left mouse down and drag)
Index Click markers for detail about location of dogs

Do you have a ‘Confirmed’ only cases map?

Alabama Rot has a separate map of ‘confirmed’ cases.

Why have a map of Alabama Rot cases?

Pippa died of Alabama Rot

The cause of Alabama Rot in dogs is still unknown. Alabama Rot is 90% fatal in dogs. An environmental factor could trigger Alabama Rot. So avoiding a location where a dog had possibly contracted Alabama Rot may reduce the chances of your dog contracting the disease.

Vet David Walker of Anderson Moores
Vet David Walker of Anderson Moores

David Walker at Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists said on 29th January 2015:

“we do not know for certain if there is an environmental trigger for CRGV. Indeed, if there is an environmental trigger we do not know when, in relation to the development of clinical signs, this occurs (e.g. environmental exposure could occur one day, one week, or one month before clinical signs develop)”
(29th January 2015)

58 Replies to “All Alabama Rot Cases Map”

  1. Following a ecent press report on Alabama rot alluding to new recent cases and spread in Scotland I thought I should come back and check your excellent surveillance map and pages.
    I note that the Midlothian case from almost a year ago is still marked as suspected, and no new cases appear to have been registered in the database.
    This raises a few questions for me about being able to assess risk for our dog. Since I am not clear whether there has been any further spread of cases in Scotland or not.
    Is there an obligation for vets to report to you ? If not what do you estimate is the compliance in reporting?
    If a suspected case is reported, how is a case confirmed and is there any obligation on the treating vet to confirm given the case in Midlothian remains an unconfirmed one.

    1. All confirmed cases are after dog has died and dog’s kidneys been tested for Alabama Rot by Anderson Moores Vet Specialists AMVS (or other labs). All vets should be aware that reporting cases to AMVS, is very helpful - but some vets don’t report cases citing client confidentiality etc.

      1. Ok thank you for clarifying and also for the huge part you are playing in helping understand this condition , it’s transmission and origin. I hope the upcoming conference helps to illuminate some clues worth pursuing.

    2. I have noticed that your map shows an incidence in South Gloucestershire but the detail refers to Old Down Wood in Hampshire. Does that mean that there are no incidences in the Thornbury area or is it that the detail is wrong?

  2. Hi Lindsay,

    Unlike your vet, I, at least do have an answer of some sort.

    I know there are 101 things that can make dogs vomit, but I note that Kings Lacy is a wooded are in otherwise open countryside downwind of Lulworth (depleted uranium firing range) and the decommissioning of nuclear reactors and installations at Winfrith.

    I am no vet, but I’m guessing that if the cause were microbial then once it has taken hold your dogs would suffer with the same severity (if somewhat delayed) as any other dogs - kept on a lead or not.

    The fact you kept yours on a lead and they only vomited - rather than suffering lesions and kidney failure - suggests to me (again, rightly or wrongly) that there is a contaminant of some kind, and your dogs inhaled or ingested less owing to their being on a lead at all times (presumably you were unable to stop them sniffing the ground).

    With poisoning, the amount is critical, so to me this suggests poisoning by some contaminant.

    I have many times suggested, here, that radioactive particles (DU from firing ranges or other radioactive dust from open-air nuclear decommissioning may be the contaminant).

    The government, nuclear and arms industries here have a record of secrecy and disinformation (3 months to admit to the melt-downs at Fukushima, and complete cover-up at Sellafield (Windscale)), so we would not hear too much of this in the mainstream press. The use of depleted uranium at Lulworth was also kept quiet, and emerged only afterwards. You were not even given the chance to move away or stay indoors. Personally, I would not trust information from anyone the government appoints to look into this.

    As the vets say they are all out of ideas it seems we just have to keep on taking my own precautions, as you have.

    You can Google Lulworth, Winfrith and DU to see what went on without our knowledge.

    1. In this country, the way decommissioning happens, you wouldn’t get nuclear contamination. We don’t really do open air decommissioning like in the Us. But interesting to read about lulworth firing ranges. I wouldn’t be particularly concerned though.

      1. Hi Emma,

        Who on earth told you that? I don’t know what your interest is in this, but you have clearly been hoodwinked.

        You cannot have not heard of Windscale/Sellafied and Dounreay - where open-air nuclear disposal and decommissioning has already been going on for decades, or Fallujah, where depleted uranium is killing and deforming right now.

        Do you really imagine that the nuclear industry that dumped waste in oil drums in the English channel for decades would stop short at decommission buildings in the open air whilst it is supplying depleted uranium to firing ranges yards from where we live?

        Genuinely. Please share with us your secret - how you can feel so untroubled by that when all this is happening and our dogs are dying, and neither you, nor the vets have a clue what is causing it.

  3. Do you know where the dogs were walked in the Wimborne cases. I was wondering as my dogs are walked at Kingston Lacy but have had to stop walking them on the grounds as the 4 times we have been there my dogs have been very sick and vomiting the next day, have taken them to vets but each time they can’t work out what caused the sickness but now it has happened 4 times in same location I was wondering how the location can be causing the vomiting, no other symptoms and my dogs are kept on lead and don’t eat anything??? Is it possible for a location to have low lying levels of it thus causing mild symptoms???

  4. We lost a mama dog and 5 of her 7 puppies plus a separate 4 month old pup to “Unknown Illness” presenting as lethargy, loss of appetite, severe sudden weight loss, refusal to drink, salivation, bloody diaorrhea and bloody vomit. Negative for parvo and other usual suspects. Antibiotics made the dogs and puppies go downhill quickly. No temperature raise indications. Our vets were all dumbfounded. Also could all these ill dogs with bloody vomit and diaorrhea whose owners are blaming the Lepto 4 vaccine be connected? clearly its not the vaccine.

  5. Hi I’m trying to find out the current risks of contracting Alabama Rot around the New Forest north of Ringwood. Our dog was diagnosed with Alabama Rot having walked around there in 2014. He doesn’t appear to be on your records, so you may want to add him as a Suspected Survived case. We believe he contracted it at Godshill. Feel free to add him to the survivors page too. This is a link to case:
    He was in intensive care for a week where he received plenty of fluids via a drip and thankfully appears to have made a full recovery. We know we are extremely lucky and our thoughts go out to all those that didn’t make it.

    We have family in the New Forest area and we have not taken our dog back to the region since 2014, but we now are considering a return and want to access the risks. I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know if there have been any new cases in the New Forest particularly around the Ogdens area - there doesn’t seem to be any new cases reported here since 2014. Is that correct?
    P.S Thanks for this great site.

  6. Hello I know of someone who had a dog ,she got alabama rot vet in potslade near Brighton the man’s name is Gary downs dog was called lucky ,he was told she was dying and did have it bad feet down to bone he didn’t have her put to sleep he took her home and later don’t know how much later he took her back to New forest HOLLANDS WOOD CAMPSITE she died and he has dug a grave for her around the site not far think I know where he would have done it ,I think the whole thing is so sick poor poor dog and as for putting her body in ground that must be bad as she had the rot
    He will not talk to me and I have no way of talking to him ,so angry with him

      1. After hearing a rumour I googled
        ‘Alabama Rot Case in Penzance which took me to a map indicating Penzance as having the most recent case.We have 3 veterinary practices in the area and I might ring tomorrow as being a woodland dog walker myself I am anxious to find where the dog was normally walked. I have heard (hearsay )it was a labrador.I am surprised nobody is coming forward on Facebook with more information.

        1. >After hearing a rumour I googled
          >‘Alabama Rot Case in Penzance which took me to a map >indicating Penzance as having the most recent case.

          Can you provide a link to the map you found?

  7. We have had a case at Heathfield Vets, Heathfield, East Sussex. Skin lesion and renal failure. Sadly the dog had to be put to sleep as the renal failure was too advanced. The dog was on the property between stonegate and wadhurst but had also been to several horse shows aroud Sussex and Kent

  8. P.S. From the symptoms described, i.e. lesions on lower legs AND BELLY of the dogs, a trough your postman would consent to walk through will no way be deep enough for your dogs, that will presumably be carrying dirt flicked onto their bellies and God-knows-where from their paws. You might want to make sure no contaminants can be licked into their system - meaning that you might want two tubs, one for washing off and one for rinsing. Sounds like a lot of work with five dogs, but a shoe (paw) dip - I wouldn’t know where to start building that - might still be nowhere near enough.

  9. Hi,

    I winder why DEFRA and the NFNPA have not done more towards attempting a prevention scheme.

    I’m not suggesting closing the New Forest but both these agencies have the power to insists that dogs and owners walk through a tough of disinfectant before and after visiting the New Forest or any other wooded area for that matter.

    I’m sure every dog owner would be happy to subsidise such a venture.

    Take care out there I live in the New Forest have 5 rescued dogs and I’m in the process of installing a trough for each dog and ANY person visiting my property to walk through. Even the postman who after all is all over the area.

    1. Yeah, Steve, I wonder too, and I suspect it’s because the authorities secretly know what’s causing this, or they are afraid to investigate because they might find that this is something inconvenient - like nuclear fallout.

      That finding would not be good for the Nuclear industry - and damning for our anti-green, anti-renewables, heavily-nuclearly-invested government - especially at the moment, with the Hinkley Point fiasco and all. Then there’s the growing need for depleted uranium firing ranges - like the one in Dorset (oh, look! It’s just down the road from the New Forest!) so we can maintain the world prosperity imbalance; and we need big nuclear deterrent in case the French attack :o). We’re gonna need nuclear power stations so we can disguise research into atomic weapons as “Atoms For Peace”. Get it anyone?

      It’s great to hear someone ELSE speaking out for a change, and the latest post from the Midlothian vet appears also to agree with us that you’ve got to wash your dog. All this cuts clean across Anderson Moore’s ambivalent (=wishy-washy) advice on whether to wash your dog, and other precautions it seems there is no point in taking “since we don’t know what’s causing this” (paraphrased). The disinfectant won’t kill radiation, so just in case, you might want to sure the water is changed often. You might even buy a cheap Geiger (they are cheaper than dogs) and test the build-up in the water. Also, your troughs, good as they sound, won’t stop the dogs drinking from puddles, ponds, streams and lakes - and just one drink might be enough to kill your dog - for all we know. You might want to also water your dogs. Give them filtered water BEFORE you go out. Maybe take a bottle of water in a rucksack on long walks. They won’t be totally safe, but it might just help.

      The fact is, nothing good will come from us all patting AM’s on the back, swallowing advice and saying what a good job they are doing. It’s now been four years, and nothing. No clues on what’s causing this, and little guidance from the undoubted experts on CRGV - yes, I’m sure they ARE the experts. But we’ve got to do this for ourselves. Make your own mind up on what’s causing this, or at least on where it is coming from, then do what you must to protect your own.

      By the way, if this IS nuclear fallout - and from what I read, the symptoms are the same - or whatever else it is - IT’S NOT JUST YOUR DOG. Keep unwashed dogs and babies (or any children) as far apart as you can - just in case. Dogs walking dirt in? Babies on the floor? Kids rolling in the grass, picnics on the ground? I think not. Nuff said.

  10. I own three HPR gundogs and live near Worthing where I believe at least 5 dogs have recently died believed to be from CRGV. For all dog owners in this area, we are caught between the Angmering Park Estate, (located between Arundel and Patching, just north of the A27) where dogs may have been infected by CRGV and the sea where the beaches now have Palm Oil strewn over them. Is anywhere safe to exercise our dogs. I am hoping there are Scientists/Veterinary Medical Students out there who may be able to help by looking at the map on this web site where dogs have sadly been the victims of CRGV, I note that most of the woodlands in these areas are of Conifer/Larch/ Douglas Fir where the soil is likely to be more acid having a PH value of less than 7 whereas Broadleaf trees tend to have alkaline soil which has a higher PH level above 7, as the leaves contain calcium. The months between October and April brings about damp/wet/boggy conditions under foot which dogs are more susceptible, these conditions are likely to harbour a host of bacteria. Is there a connection? Is this an area for our Scientists to study to see if there is a connection with Alabama Rot? As these areas are also the natural habitats for wild deer, pheasants and other animals, their faeces are often trodden in or eaten by our dogs - is there a connection with E.coli ? The water from the woodland will also drain over open fields where sheep graze. Again, is there a connection between sheep foot rot and Alabama Rot even though sheep have a somewhat different immune system which may protect their kidneys from CRGV? Has it yet been established if foxes have been infected by CRGV or if they have a natural immunity from which a vaccine could be manufactured?

    Sorry for all of the above questions but I and other dog owners are desperate for researches to find a cause and cure for this dreadful disease.

    Thank you to all who are helping in the research.

    1. Hi Trevor,
      thanks for your post. I can’t answer most of your questions regrettably. Personally I’m keeping my dog away from infected areas / woodlands as much as possible. I too live by the sea (Bournemouth) and exercise my dog on the beach - whilst being on the lookout for palm oil. Anderson Moores Vet Specialists commented about CRGV/Alabama Rot:

      “The majority of the [CRGV/Alabama Rot] affected dogs have been walked in woodland (various types to the best of our knowledge); however, not all. An environmental trigger is strongly suspected but has not been confirmed.” Source: Anderson Moores on facebook, 4th January 2016

      You may wish to read the March 2015 Vet Record paper:

  11. P.S. Or dogs being brought by ship into our ports… whether they went out on holiday abroad caught the disease and are coming home, or whether they are “immigrating” into our country and have the disease.
    Perhaps the urine of an infected dog carries the germ which transfers to other dogs as they sniff it or walk over it??

  12. Just an observation from looking at the map - does it not seem odd that the concentration of cases confirmed or not confirmed seem to be those nearest ports, i.e. Southampton and Liverpool. Could this be something to look into or am I being a bit “off the mark”?? Wales, Scotland, East Anglia, Ireland have nothing…. could it be something to do with the transport (shipping) of livestock from other countries into ours??


    I was sent a warning,c above link, from Willow Vet that these chews from China cause kidney damage. I wondered if u were aware of this although I have been told that there r always lesions as well with AR. Is it right about the lesions always reported with AR? Also has anyone tabulated the food and other items consumed like chews ,pond water etc., which the sick dogs had ,in case there were similarities?

    1. According to Walker et al in 2015, in all confirmed cases of Alabama Rot, the dogs get skin lesions and kidney problems

      Neither the AHT link nor the accompanying FDA link mentions skin lesion symptoms AFAIK
      Also this FAQ mentions nothing about skin lesions.

  14. Hi, not sure if this is relevant or not; friend’s Border Collie recently died, but got fungus issues in nose beforehand. He had been walked in New Forest on holiday before fungus struck. It caused nasal bleeding and breathing problems. No lesions, but just wondered if this is strange coincidence that fungus started after visit to New Forest.

  15. Your map shows 3 green diamonds in the Swindon area, yet green diamonds do not appear in the list of what markers mean. The implication is 3 cases .. but in reality this is one SUSPECT dog walked in 3 different areas, for which the local vets are, wrongly IMHO, advising people not to walk dogs in ANY of these areas. This is scaremongering of the worst type. CRGV is a horrible thing, but we have to keep a sense of perspective, there are assumptions all over that walking your dog in woodland is the problem, but there is no proof of this anywhere, it seems to me that there is as much risk in using a local playing field or even a roadside grass verge. Telling folks not to use 3 major areas over one unproven case is way “over the top”

    1. The green diamonds = Suspected CRGV cases by vets (not known whether died or survived); I’ve changed two green diamonds to orange diamonds (DOG WALKED IN MULTIPLE LOCATIONS). In the case you cite, Purton Vets gave the advice about avoiding the 3 woodlands .

        1. I live in Purton and since I heard about Alabama Rot on New Years Eve 2015 I have confined my two Yorkies to walking on the pavements, they are bored and so am I but I feel this is the safest approach. I would like to know if the affected dogs have been running free or if they have been in water. I would imagine that foxes could also catch this disease, does anyone know if it can be caught from another animal?

  16. Very much unconfirmed but suspect lesion found on a dog in woolston southampton, lively and an escape artist hes very keen on humping, we tried everything sorry, but its on his nutsack…
    his primary point of contact with other dogs.
    Its got me worried as no less than 2 minutes after noticing it?
    That i saw the hampshire news report on the subject…
    It looks like it might just be a graze that got infected but looking at the photos of the lesions pictured it seems to be something like human impatigo?
    between toes and under thighs , some on faces, all wet damp ucous mebranes or areas that might stay damp after walks or allow a biological parasitic infection to breed?
    Im not a vet and just guessing,, i very much hope my dog doesnt have it,,, but the coincidence of this news story?
    i thought alabama rot was very much an american dog issue…
    sadly lot.
    I wish all of those whove lost dogs to this the best its a really terrifying condition…
    An awareness campaign?
    might get a lot more researcxh started and if my dog has by some horrible chance contracted this?
    Your efforts might have just saved his life…
    I think a conversation and investigation into this in the minds of the countries dog walkers especially those of us in the new forest…
    is very necesaary..
    what animals does the new forest have that nowhere else does…
    specifically largish mammals..
    arent their an awful ot of wild boar there?
    seems to be epicentre.
    …Im thinkig existing wounds and scratches?
    as to transferrence??
    would explain its growth being nothing like an epidemic.

    fancy shampoos?
    i think the best mitigation would be wound monitoring, loo for scratches or grazes in vulnerable areas where theres little hair, between toes and under bellies seem to be thee from the pictures.
    bu the mouth one?
    mucus membrane too, nice and damp…
    dogs bitten on something a pig has scratched itself on??
    i dont know why ut it makes me think very much of pigs.
    new forest not rewally elsewhere.
    the main thing theyve got is pigs that differs from everywere else..
    then theres pig farms too?
    worth another look at that map..
    If theres a vet in soutrhampton whose expertise is geared to this…
    he wor she would be welcome to look at spuggz furry ballz see if his humping as gotten him something nasty.

  17. One line of questioning that the vets have noted is that 43% of dogs in contact with confirmed Alalbama rot dogs get skin lesions but did not get Kidney failure (hope my figs are correct) so I wonder if any unsociable dogs (ie those kept on a lead and not coming into direct contact with other dogs) on a walk have ever got Alabama rot?? Maybe this is information that unfortunate owners could supply. I have several dogs and some love to socialise but a couple do everything to avoid contact and are kept on a lead in populated places so do not have direct contact, of course a bacteria or virus can survive in the environment for a set time which may be where the mild wet comes in. Also if some get lesions but not kidney failure you have the possibility of milder cases being carriers. But I know the vets have looked for viruses and bacteria and so far have found nothing specific. I hope funds continue to come in to make sure they can continue aggressive research into this horrid disease.

        1. Roger,
          If the other dog only got skin lesions and not Acute Kidney Injury am I right to assume that he had unconfirmed or suspected CRGV - but survived?

  18. Hi
    I believe there are 2 more dogs at the Anderson Moore vets now from Shillingstone who were walking in Norton Woods. I have no further information but would really appreciate any update you may get as I live in the same area. Your map is great and your work is really appreciated.

      1. It’s in Shillingstone, Dorset
        Map Co-ordinates are: ST8408 (384500, 108500)

  19. Hi, Why is the dogs name important. I would have thought that breed, age, sex etc far more helpful than what the dog is called. Surely, the purpose of the map is to try and spot patterns / trends, the name of the dog is of no value at all.

    1. Hi Matthew,
      If I have details of breed, age, sex they can be got by clicking the individual marker. Anderson Moores said “There is no apparent breed, age or sex predilection.” on 21st October 2014.

      I’m hoping that owners will provide more info on where dogs were walked - maybe adding the dogs name on the label will encourage them to do so.

    2. well it does make it personally very sad but perhaps it is useful too though as two dogs from the same area are less likely to be confused and will be more obvious that they are two separate cases ?

    3. It has to get through the mouth or nose into the digestive or respiratory system . The disease shuts down organs. There for “sniffing” dogs like spaniels , hounds typically root around in the under growth smelling. But Ball orientated dogs having their tennis balls through in affected areas and picking it up with their mouths are also at risk . So where ever this disease is any dog is at harm.

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