
Frisbee survived Alabama Rot in Godshill, Fordingbridge, April 2014

Frisbee survived Alabama Rot

A 3 year old black Labradoodle survived Alabama Rot. Owner Shaun Hennessy wrote to in October 2016:

‘Frisbee was in intensive care for a week where he received plenty of fluids via a drip and thankfully appears to have made a full recovery.’

Frisbee showing Alabama Rot lesions.

Full story - see Godshill, Hants (Suspected Survived map).

Lulu survives Alabama Rot in Lymington, February 2015

Lulu the black labrador survived Alabama Rot, February 2015

On 4th February 2015 black Labrador Lulu (then aged 6), went on her usual walk on the south coast near Lymington. The following morning, she was showing potential signs of Alabama Rot so was seen by a local vet and kept in overnight.

Lulu on the dialysis bed.

The next day Lula was transferred to Anderson Moores near Winchester under the care of David Walker. Three days later David said that from his experience of previous cases, he didn’t know if Lulu was going to be a survivor.

Dialysis bed

So Lulu was admitted to the Royal Veterinary College’s (RVC) Queen Mother Animal Hospital in Hertfordshire, to undergo two rounds of Plasma Exchange Therapy (PET). This was followed by three weeks of intensive care, after which - Lulu finally pulled through! Michael Barlow, Lulu’s grateful owner, agreed to assist the seed-funding of the Alabama Rot Research Fund. Read Lulu’s full story.

Plasma Exchange Therapy (PET) may not actually offer any benefit and costs ~£15,000. The yellow Labrador Alba who had it prior to Lulu, survived. But the next dog after Lulu who had the PET treatment, Pippa [Jessica Worthington’s dog], sadly did not.

I discuss Plasma Exchange Therapy here, here and here.

1st June 2015 update - 13th dog survives

A 13th dog ‘Bailey’ survived in July 2014. The dogs owner Samantha Reynolds, knew the symptoms of Alabama Rot because her friends dog had died of Alabama Rot. At her vets, Samantha insisted on early blood tests. Her vet contacted Anderson Moores who advised Bailey should be put on a drip because he was showing signs of kidney failure. Bailey turned round really quick because of the persistence of Samantha to get early diagnosis at her vets.

All Survivors of CRGV

Survivors of Alabama Rot
Survivors of Alabama Rot

Named Survivors of Alabama Rot








Let us know if your dog survived CRGV!

4 Replies to “Survivors”

  1. Is this site still maintained and updated? Have there actually been no confirmed cases this year?
    I should like to know as I have been referring people to it for the past 3yrs as being THE authority on all things Alabama Rot and posting links to your prevalence maps
    Thank you

    1. Thanks Agandl for your post. ALL confirmed cases are posted on this map:
      and the suspected cases I know of are posted on this map:

      Since December 2016 there have been FOUR confirmed Alabama rot cases: in Dorset & Stoke-on-Trent ; in Devon ; in Chepstow

  2. My dog is currently undergoing tests for Alabama Rot. 9 days ago, within a couple of hours after walking in the new forest he went lame on his back leg and had what looked like a scuff mark about the size of my little fingernail on his pad. About 4 days later another another appeared, slightly deeper and another a short time later.
    I took him to the vets who said it couldn’t be AR as lesions would cover his leg, and gave him some cream. After a couple of days I took him back and asked for tests as I had seen pictures of AR very similar to his pads.
    He isn’t showing any other symptoms and I have read that some can have lesions only. I wonder what the treatment is if they only show lesions and is there still kidney damage and are they included in the 90% mortality rate?
    Thank you

    1. Linda, Apologies for not replying sooner.
      Your vet may wish to contact Anderson Moores (in Winchester), if he hasn’t already done so, to discuss the full range of treatment options.

      Chris Street webmaster

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